Eliminate unpleasant odours and keep your carpet clean! Try this cleaning-powder recipe, using borax (antiseptic), baking soda (antibacterial) and essential oils (purifying).
Materials List
- A measuring cup
- A seasoning shaker (or other container used to sprinkle powder)
- 25 drops of essential oil of your choice:
- Lemon
- Eucalyptus Radiata
- Eucalyptus Blue Gum
- Fir Balsam
- 1 cup baking soda
- ½ cup Borax
- Mix ingredients in the shaker.
- Apply to surface. Let sit for 10 minutes. Scrub stains as needed.
- Vacuum the powder to remove.
Precautions & recommendations
Not recommended for dark-coloured carpets. Ensure that your vacuum cleaner is powerful enough to remove this volume of powder.